I take look on the bq24193's datasheet and I think it is almost perfect IC
for intended application.
STC3115 seems to by quite cheap but not the best solution.
We currently have quite outdated, but still better battery gas gauging
design based on BQ34Z100.
Documentation is here
I think the main work should be the redesign of our LION1CELL01A module
with bq24193 charger integrated in it. We should do it in KiCAD probably in
form of new MLAB module (for testing). The exact PCB for Libre laptop
should be derived from it then.
Is current blocks/circuit schematic of Libre laptop somewhere? I do not
understand how the higher voltages (+5V) or +12 (for LCD) are efficiently
generated from battery? Has this design higher efficiency than two balanced
cells connected in series?
2016-02-28 23:54 GMT+01:00 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl(a)lkcl.net>:
> ---
> ok, well actually there is a sub-task that i could do with your help
> on: i need a 15 watt *single-cell* battery charger / monitor board
> which is compliant with the USB-OTG Power specification up to 3A @
> 5.0V and can be controlled via I2C as to which direction the power
> goes... *and* can take DC input at the same time. i've found the
> bq24193, it's the best i could yet find that will do the job. the
> only thing is, its I2C interface is hard-wired to 1.8v and i need 3.0
> to 3.3v, so there will be some level-shifting needed there. it also
> will need a battery monitor (coulomb counter) - the STC3115 QFN is
> what i had in mind, but if you have something better please do say so.
> PCB size needs to be no bigger than 32 x 85mm, 1.5mm thickness, 2
> layer *ONLY*, components *ONLY* on one side, no through-hole
> components or connectors are allowed, and there is a severe [hard]
> height limit of 5.5mm so the only DC connector i could find which can
> handle 5A and is within that limit is the PJ-018H-SMT from CUI Inc.
> also, i really loved the solar panel idea and it turns out that the
> PJ-018H-SMT has a 3-pin arrangement, so in theory a diode and a solar
> panel in series between pins 2 and 3 would provide solar power when
> the DC-jack is disconnected. pin 3 (to which the solar panel would be
> wired) would be disconnected when the DC jack is in. pin 2 is GND.
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a few niggles to resolve but basically i'm happy with this. panels
are in. i'm amazed that cutting a 1mm chamfer into 1.5mm 3-ply bamboo
plywood works as well as it does. it's one of those things where you
think, "hmm that might work", then the design phase stretches out to
an entire year and it's still not been confirmed - finally the panels
arrive, it's "eek!" for a couple of months because the preliminary
channels don't fit the panels properly, then "eek!" again because it
takes two iterations (of a week each) to reprint almost 100% of the
[35] parts, "eek!" some more when you've only ordered 8 panels and
there's only one spare left, and finally "whewwwww" when it all fits
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
Hello all,
I am coming to this forum trough that page:
Thanks> Thanks
very much for this great work!
I am interested in EOMA68 project for several years. Althought I am
currently using the ODROID boards in my projects - one example is radio
meteor detection station:
This is a typical candidate of electronic computing device which needs
occasional hardware upgrade or rapid firmware and configuration change..
Therefore I looking forward for moment when we could integrate the EOMA68
cpu card in our modular system http://www.mlab.cz/
<http://www.mlab.cz/ and> and
after that in to related designs which already exists.
Therefore you can count on me if there were a group order of EOMA68 cards
or an crowdfunding campaign.
We have a long term electronics design experience and quite good contacts
to other electronics manufacturers here in the Czech Republic. I would like
to ask if there were some subtask which we could help with? If none, I
will continue to work on related problems such as open-source battery
management and effective solar charging system for portable devices.
But the cooperative development will be the best solution because there are
huge tasks which we need to overcome. Uniform 3D printable laptop is one of
the things which could bring together the open-hardware design community. I
expected it even in case of Novena laptop, but they go to the different
direction focused on performance needed for hacking.
hi folks sorry been extremely busy.
i've managed to work out some superb settings for the mendel90, it's
currently operating at *200*mm/sec, with a layer height of 0.15mm, and
the prints are coming out with smooth walls most of the time. i'm
deeply impressed with the mendel90, now - it's only taken me 18 months
(!!) to get the right settings.
the bamboo plywood is in place, successfully - i put a diagonal cut on
each edge, and a matching groove into each piece of 3d-printed
plastic, only about 0.8mm depth (it's supposed to be 1.4mm but it
prints out at less than that) - and the panels hold perfectly.
not only that but they hold sufficiently well that i decided to use
them for structural support on the screen edge. the screen hinge has
proved particularly tricky: it's quite a small piece, taking a huge
load because it contains the friction hinge. turns out that if i jam
the bamboo panel into it (and its neighbouring pieces), the screen
hinge stays still under load. i'd previously tried all sorts of
tricks to get the screen hinge to "lock" into its neighbouring pieces
and it wasn't working: the plywood does a really good job.
am still making minor adjustments, chewing through PLA like it's no
tomorrow, photos to follow, then they can be sent to crowdsupply.
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
"Our objective is to create a space and long-term process that will
unite these pioneers and bring their efforts into a mainstream audience"
thought it might be of interest and to chuck it your way
any chance people could click "+" on the "submission" button on this?
the FCC's screwed up - ignored comments from a bunch of experts - and
gone ahead "oh nooo nooo problemmm, nooobody will just lock down the
entire embedded OS" and of course that's exactly what TP-Link has
done, because it's the easiest thing to do.
this applies to embedded boards just as much. it's now a legal
requirement to DRM-lock the *entire OS* - kernel, bootloader, OS -
*everything* - on embedded boards that happen to have WIFI modules on
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
ok, so in about 2 months i'll be doing a SMALL production run -
absolute maximum of 20 units - of the latest revision EOMA68-A20 CPU
Cards as well as putting together some 2nd revision laptop kits. it
*might* also be the case - i have to check how many - that we have a
sponsor (a 3d-printer company) for printing out the casework parts,
primarily because these are exceptionally challenging parts and the
sponsor would like to show that the quality of their printers is up to
the task (which it is). certainly i am pushing the limits of the
mendel90 which is in essence a significantly-improved reprap, as it
at this very early stage i don't want to go above 20 units just in
case i have to do modifications by hand to the PCBs - which, if it
becomes necessary won't be hard (with the 2-layer single-sided
boards): i just don't want to have to spend that much time.
now, i'm *estimating* that the kits will be around the $EUR 400 to
$500 mark, if we _can_ get to 20 then it may be less than that. i
also have another sponsor who is prepared to buy some kits to sell, so
that the per-unit cost can come down - we just have to see, based on
who'd be interested.
so... who's interested?
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
05 Feb '16
05 Feb '16
well um i'm here.. an entire week early :) long story, but having
booked the train tickets and hostel, nobody actually told me i was on
the wrong day because of two separate and unrelated pieces of
confusion / misprints! i decided rather than go back home to simply
stay a week, having brought everything - soldering-iron, ruler,
pliers, scissors, laptop, the works - with me all this way. 15kg
suit-holding bag on wheels.... and in my infinite wisdom i decided
that it would be an interesting experience to come to belgium on
skates. with a 15kg wheeled bag.
so, anyway, i'll be volunteering for setup on the friday, i have the
laptop to demo, am registered for a lightning talk on saturday
morning, this might change if there's a full hour slot available (i'm
on short-notice standby).
it'll be fun. the http://2go4.be is pretty good, the no 71 bus goes
straight to ULB, there's a walk each end of about 250 metres... am
enjoying the accidental circumstances...
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68