Microsoft plans to give windows 8.1 licenses for free (or at least I
undestand so)for certain devices. These are tablets under 9" and what is
more interesting windows embedded and certain windows for IOT (internet of
things) that is suppose to be released this spring (but I dont really
understand what is it).
In best case scenario hardware like EOM68 you make will have more
opportunities. But since this is Microsoft I suppose there is a catch
somewhere, probably they plan to charge cloud or something else.…
what does it mean for EOMA that small high res displays are switching to
Context: I was chating to some techys and that was a problem with the
display interface of EOMA but then I think I said eoma was lvds when
it's this rbg/ttl thing. I got confused. I did say eoma was rbg/ttl
later but I didn't get a reply regarding that so I don't know. I don't
know what I'm talking about hardware wise. (I did tell them.).
Just put some thoughts to paper.
Just a mock-up, nothing thoroughly engineered
1. Make the battery exchangeable.
2. Reuse cheap cellphone batteries (mass produced) in adapter sleeves.
2. Make the network interface exchangeable.
3. Make adapter sleeves for the most common cellphone batteries.
Some benefits:
- Batteries have differing lifespans than screens/cpu's/network systems.
- Battery technology evolves rapidly.
- Every new cellphone has a different battery format. Cheap sleeves can be
made to accommodate the cheapest available battery.
- Wireless/Wired network technologies are abundand and evolve rapidly.
- The wifi dongle can be exchanged with a wired variant
- The wifi dongle can be exchanged with an new network technology bg/n/ac
5ghz channels etc
- The wifi dongle can be exchanged with an roaming network service, 2G,
2.5G, 3G, 4G.
- The wifi dongle does not need to be pre bundeled. User can choose
his/hers own
- The wifi dongle can be exchanged with a usb camera low or highend
The bottom USB slots can be used as a connector for charging stations,
docking stations, keyboard docks, dual screen, etc.
P.S. It's been awfully quite around here.....
Kr, Mike
Hello everybody
step by step informations are coming out from this new "player".
informations I could obtained from them are:
for the LAN chip it is :AR 8035
for the WIFI chip is: RTL 8188EUS
the "schematic" of the platform can be found here:…
and how to install the O.S on it is here:…
and about the GPIO, I've put a copy here:
and the other informations about the GPIO I've obtained are:
[root@matrixtv ~]# ls /sys/devices/virtual/gpio/
gpiochip0 gpiochip160 gpiochip32 gpiochip96
gpiochip128 gpiochip192 gpiochip64
it's a bit "light" for the moment.
so we'll see...
I have a question about the miniPCie port included on this platform, what
kind of interfaces/extensions can we find for it? (I googled about it, and
most of them are SATA but there is already one on it, so ?...)
is there someone to open my eyes?
2014/1/8 <arm-netbook-request(a)>
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Another "new" ARM plateform (Simon Kenyon)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2014 07:57:03 +0000
> From: Simon Kenyon <simon(a)>
> To: Linux on small ARM machines <arm-netbook(a)>
> Subject: Re: [Arm-netbook] Another "new" ARM plateform
> Message-ID: <6C6583B5-8D56-4325-A9BA-51E8D9131FC4(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> would be really cool to find a little board with S2 and/or T2 onboard;
> rather than via USB
> On 25 Dec 2013, at 06:42, Erix <erixbzh(a)> wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > first at all, Merry Christmas to all of you.
> >
> > what do you think about this "new" one?
> >
> >
> >
> > driven by a Freescal MCIMX6Q5EYM10AC / Quad ARM Cortex-A9 at 1.0GHz
> > and 10/100/1000 wired Ethernet, WIFI IEEE 802.11n/b/g + SATA
> >
> > the GPIO port looks a bit... little.
> >
> > Regards
> > Erix
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > arm-netbook mailing list arm-netbook(a)
> >
> > Send large attachments to arm-netbook(a)
Somebody from Imagination Technologies left a comment on my blog:…
The part related to this mailing list is:
"Secondly, the links below contain DDK (Driver Development Kit) source
packages distributed through our customers:
Rhombus Tech (1.10 onwards);a=tree;f=modules/eurasia_km;hb=163…
This repo points to something called eurasia_km for A31 Android 4.2.
This is clearly related to the PowerVR GPU A31, but I don't really
understand what can be done with this source. Would it be possible to
use it with a Linux distribution, or the binary part still relies on the
Android drivers?
I've also seen Mele play 4K videos in Linux on AllWinner A31.
Does that mean a Linux port with GPU and VPU support is technically
feasible with what is available today?