On way to 9th RISCV workshop in chennai, preliminary slides here http://hands.com/~lkcl/libre_riscv_chennai_2018.pdf
Contains links to other talks but not accepted ones.
Paul Boddie i still owe you a reply to your message.
New crowdfunding campaign being discussed, help raise awareness. Also included would like to do a Libre 3D GPU. Actually GPGPU so using gallium3d-llvm with minor acceleration and adequate vectorisation.
On Saturday 14. July 2018 13.35.06 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
Thanks for the acknowledgement!
I recognise that you are very busy, but I felt that it would be useful for the rest of us, and also helpful for you, for you to articulate your plans.
My concern, particularly as the specific campaign was always meant to be the first step in something larger, is that the route towards this larger goal is no longer clear to the rest of us.
Have a safe journey!
On Saturday, July 14, 2018, Paul Boddie paul@boddie.org.uk wrote:
I know. Its not changed just slowed down, absolutely had to make sure cards worked, all components available. With 300k funding and paying 5 professionals it would have been done in 3-5 months flat.
Aside from money for a20 and md components remaining money only 20k so nothing available for living expenses. Consequently i have to do something else. And if i am doing something else I cannot focus 100% on the laptop.
The liberapay helps however its 30% of full time funds.
I have upcoming contract work in belgium, from august. LibreRISCV can be done by contractors more later
Have a safe journey!
Way to go, Luke! I have faith in you overall! I hope I can donate to your liberapay once I'm no longer being poor!
On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 2:35 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl@lkcl.net wrote:
Slide 20 is missing content/glitched.
On Sunday, July 15, 2018, Bill Kontos vkontogpls@gmail.com wrote:
Yep must rsync latest. Later today. Still got 3 days
On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 7:58 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl@lkcl.net wrote:
Slides look great (now?) Good luck with your talk.
On Sunday, July 15, 2018, Mike Henry mikejackofalltrades@gmail.com wrote:
Yep must rsync latest. Later today. Still got 3 days
Slides look great (now?) Good luck with your talk.
Thx mike. 19th