Dear Fellow Dancers,
I hope you will be pleased to hear that the festival committee has surfaced from it long hibernation and is on the case for May Heydays 2022. Even now, Director Mecki is busy contacting bands, callers and technical staff who will make up the backbone of what we hope will be a great 1st (3rd planned!)) weekend in Evesham.
But it is you who will put the flesh on the bones and I am contacting you as being amongst the 131 ticket holders from 2019 (whether punters, stewards or ‘staff’) who by positive action (or pleasing inertia) have rolled some or all their monies over for 2 years now. I’m very aware that by May next year we will all be 3 years older since we said farewell to Eastbourne; like mine, your aches and pains may have grown a bit and I guess we will all be decidedly rusty on the dance floor. Nevertheless, we do hope to see you on Friday 29th April next – you, and we hope, another 100 or so more.
It may have to be a somewhat different festival in some ways, but let’s see what the next 8 months bring. (Lichfield in October could be a test case, we hope to drop into that.) In the meantime, check out the website every now and again as Mecki and Colin start to populate it with info on how the programme is developing.
I’ll keep you posted on how ticket costs pan out compared with what you already have in the kitty, meanwhile, keep safe and feel free to publicise the date amongst your dancing associates.
Oh, and I’ve discovered that staring at multi-coloured spread sheets can have a numbing effect on the brain, so if I have your ticket status wrong despite multiple checking, please do let me know…..
Best wishes Monty Crook May Heydays Ticketing