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Just read the update and saw the question of known to work EOL
component or possibly uncertain newer version.
If needed, is there a possibility of getting Crowd Supply to close down
refunds for second batch, release that money, and use it to purchase
components for the complete set of orders and a few extras for future
orders. Then consider the A20 done, and move on to the next EOMA68
that won't be dealing with the same component issues.
I think …
[View More]I recall you having a first working prototype of the newer
card, in which case this could probably work.
- --
Tor Chantara
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Stop spying: http://www.resetthenet.org/
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hi if anyone is at fosdem and can help thomas or me on saturday priority,
just sitting and going um i know nothing have a leaflet at least thomas or
i can get lunch breaks, sunday is 2nd priority sorry phone typing email
thum(a)vikings.net direct more people better even if 1 hr or even 30m
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Thomas Umbach* <thum(a)vikings.net>
Date: Thursday, February 1, 2018
Subject: [FOSDEM standholders] Booth helper wanted
To: standholders(a)lists.fosdem.…
[View More]org
Hi all,
My booth partner became severely ill and isn't able to help at the
Vikings booth this weekend.
Do you, as a representative of you project/company at FOSDEM, know
someone who can spare a couple of hours on Saturday and/or Sunday? There
are no real requirements aside from being friendly (an understanding of
the basic concept of free software would help though).
Thanks a lot for any help in advance!
Best regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Cordialement/Met vriendelijke groet
Thomas Umbach
Web: https://www.vikings.net/
Phone: +49 6196 202 82 0
Fax: +49 6196 202 82 99
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vikingslibre
Follow us on GNUsocial: https://quitter.se/vikings
Vikings GmbH
Mergenthalerallee 10-12, 65760 Eschborn, Germany
Register Court: AG Frankfurt am Main
Register No.: HR B 84497, CEO: Thomas Umbach
Tax Office: Frankfurt am Main, VATIN: DE254094338
FD5E 2543 EE62 7395 00A6 9FBB F228 7A48 7CA2 3FA5
* Meet us at FOSDEM in Brussels / 3th & 4th of February 2018
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
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... is insane. i am simply not used to this level of detailed
planning! so i figured what the heck, just publish it online. then
if i mess it up at least there's a chance someone will notice and tell
me. also if i can't get internet connectivity i can ask a stranger if
i can borrow their phone.... :)
I just came across this:
as mentioned in this LCA2018 talk:
and thought that it might be useful for testing EOMA boards.
It's cute, as it lets you write tests in whatever works for you, and
just pays attention to the last line of output, and the return code.
You can knock up a shell script, say, and if you can run it on the
command line and get it to work, then exclave can run it for you.
This is what is used to run …
[View More]the factory test for Bunnie's chibitronics
LoveToCode microcontroller boards, among other things.
BTW The LCA talk includes some handy tips on how to make such tests work
for factory workers who are not likely to read English, nor to have a
lot of time/concentration spare.
Cheers, Phil.
|)| Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560] HANDS.COM Ltd.
|-| http://www.hands.com/http://ftp.uk.debian.org/
|(| Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34, 21075 Hamburg, GERMANY
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I've created a page on the wiki to collect some information about
devicetree, so the exact scheme of devicetree support for EOMA68
housings can be worked out:
Feel free to extend/correct/discuss it.
Jonathan Neuschäfer
I'm starting the new page to address ideas on how to incent more to
support the project.
Since cryptocurrency was a recent hot-topic and some appreciated my
input there, I'll be starting with a brief rundown of why the topic is
complicated and might one start if they want to deep dive into it. I
don't want to give my opinion on which currencies we should accept,
even standard ones, because the issue is so deep I'd rather help
others break into the conversation. Mindshare is really crucial here,…
[View More]
because this defines all-in-all the people the project supports, how
much the project supports them, and who will be incent to support the
project as a result.
We don't want to goad people into spreading word, sharing references,
and funding EOMA or FLOSS. We want to play nice and win their hearts
then only after recognizing we've won them over convince them to do
those things.
The level of disclosure this mailing-list demonstrates such impeccable
willingness to abide that principle, that is what really won me into
Aside, I'm still going to be on and off contributing to the "proposed
best practices" page.
I would like to start with examples of what I consider pretty
impressive projects.
I am also interested in liberating CHIP, but I want to get a more
thorough understanding of electronic circuit firmware before I move
As is important to say, I'd rather do well or have not done at all.
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-------- Original Message --------
From: Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl(a)lkcl.net>
Apparently from: arm-netbook-bounces(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk
To: Eco-Conscious Computing <arm-netbook(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [Arm-netbook] pyra computer
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 05:51:57 +0000
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 9:46 PM, <ronwirring(a)safe-mail.net> wrote:
> yes lkcl has been in touch with the pyra team.
Anything to report?
> ron can i ask you the favour of not …
[View More]referring to me in the 3rd
> person? i'm right here!!!
If I write lkcl, I ask all persons on the email list.
> arm-netbook mailing list arm-netbook(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk
> http://lists.phcomp.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/arm-netbook
> Send large attachments to arm-netbook(a)files.phcomp.co.uk
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