i've just set up a new domain in the past 36 hours, http://libre-riscv.org
the first processor on it is the shakti m_class one. there's also a
bugtracker http://bugs.libre-riscv.org which is in the process of
being populated. i'll also set up mailman (if i can extract it from
the clutches of apache2... i'm using nginx now on libre-riscv.org).
Regarding moderator approval. I ask you to display this email
on the emailing list. Thereby enabling transparency and
ensuring that subscribers get to know my arguments.
Not doing so I will hold against you.
> you seem to believe that you have the right to do whatever you want: you don't.
> every time i have asked you to respect my authority you have ducked
> or ignored the question.
I think you are as happened before exaggerating, and misrepresenting
what previous disputes we have had.
About what follows I have not searched for documentation in previous
posts and emails. Because I am not going to do the
First one.
On another forum I made some critical posts about the pc card
crowdfunding. I did so because it can be
beneficial for the owner of a project to get more angles
on his work and everyone should be scrutinized.
My main critique was including the pc card laptop housing
in a crowdfunding. My point of view was that for a one
person enterprise that would be to big a task. It would
require a frictionless course. It turned out I was right.
No usable parts have been manufactured so far?
Instead I would have concentrated on getting more people
to buy the pc card.
If lkcl wanted to shut me up or not, I do not know.
He could not. It was not his forum.
Lkcl accused me of sabotaging the crowdfunding.
Said I could make the crowdfunding fail.
An undocumented claim and heavily questionable,
which I told him.
Without being obligated to, I told lkcl I would stop
further postings, should he want me to. I had made
my points known.
Second one.
When posting emails on the arm netbook emailing list,
I wanted to keep all previous posts unedited in
my next post. Lkcl told me, that is not how it is done.
And he explained how I should edit posts and
importantly why I should edit. One argument was,
he had to read a high number of emails and edited
posts were time saving for him.
I have to accept that my english writing skills are
limited. My answer to him may have been unclear.
The content of my answering post was, every
email list member should decide for himself
how to edit a post. But I accepted his arguments
about editing posts and told him I would concur.
Then lkcl misread my post. Believing I would not
concur. Therefore lkcl told me, I had to make a
specific declaration about complying to the rules
about posting. Having done nothing wrong and
perceiving lkcl's request as unnecessarily
cornering, I wrote in a post, that he had misread
my post and he could take any action he should
want to. Then I got on the moderation approval
To my knowledge from that point none of my
postings have not complied to rules about posting.
At some point, not on me request, I got off the
moderator list.
Third one.
In a post I mentioned lkcl in third person. I was
not aware it would be a rude action. Because
I am addressing a bunch of people. When lkcl
asked me to not do so, I explained why I had
phrased the sentence like I did. To me the matter
was insignificant. And I saw no reason to alter my
phrasing. It resulted in lkcl escalating the matter
to become relevant for the moderator approval list.
Looking back on lkcl's outbursting tendencies I
did not pay any attention to it. Even more
because lkcl dances with profanities. Which I do
All this in order to show that I do not do
whatever I want. Some times I do not listen.
I mentioned my free speech in a post. It resulted
in several rubbish comments. I was not
referring to any legal system. I wanted to
state my point of view on free speech in
a forum or on an emailing list.
Lkcl, since you are in favor of straightening things
out and not dodge, answer these questions about
your emailing list:
Should your emailing list aspire to grand the
highest level of free speech?
Do you adhere to the principle of equal matters
must be dealt with equally?
Do you adhere to the principle of proportionality?
Because you own this emailing list, you can do
whatever you want. I am not questioning that.
The question is should you do whatever you want?
How you manage your email list tells a tale about
you. If your answer to my 3 questions are no, then I have
misread you as a person and you do not have to
unsubscribe me. I do it myself.
When I wrote 'Has lkcl' you managed to infringe on all
3 principles. There are no strong reasons, other than
your vanity, to prohibit such phrasing. I cannot write
third person. You write profanities, masked or not.
If using third person is an infraction, it is a minor.
Calling in the moderator approval list is an
Part 2.
Lkcl has thrown into the air that I may be
infringing on one or more laws and maybe a license or
certification. I have no overview on this matter.
> do you, ron wirring, accept that i am the SOLE EXCLUSIVE Copyright
> Holder of the EOMA68 Standard?
> please answer simply yes or no.
I am not going to answer yes or no until I know what
I am answering yes or no to.
First I want to say, I have never read the standards. I have no
idea about the purchase agreement. Which laws apply.
Which certification. Which licenses. The reason is the
pc card is to me no more important than buying a mixer.
If I get a pc card, fine. If not, it was a nice initiative.
Lkcl will probably blame me for this approach. Does
not matter. I am not going to put an effort into getting
knowledgeable on these matters for an item which
may not get shipped and due to what it
In wanting to make the asus eeepc accept pc cards I can
have done a lot of infringements not knowing it. Lkcl
suddenly shouting about trademarks and copyright came
as a surprise to me.
When this is sorted out, what stands is I have no
intention infringing on anything.
This is my look on it. I have no use for the pc card. Maybe
it can run a freedombox. Then I thought I would like
to have an asus eeepc which accepts pc cards. Lkcl was
firmly against it. Costs could spiral. I appreciated the
warning. The computer could catch fire. An important
warning. But I planned to power it by power supply
and a power bank via usb and not at the same time.
I soon found out the task was to difficult for me. I
stopped further steps. I do not remember any posts
about trademarks, copyright or certification. I
thought getting a pc card was like getting a
raspberry pi. You can use it like you want.
Then one person on this email list said, I think we
can make it. And I restarted the matter. Again lkcl
stated his objections. I noticed lkcl would participate
in making the computer secure. On that I thanked him,
because he already has enough to do.
Now it is about infringements.
Am I not allowed to make a pc card housing? Is
this what it is about? Then why would you
You demanded to get to approve the battery hardware
setup. On which I agreed. So did picugins, what more
are you asking for?
Can you display the law text in question I am
infringing on?
> also if you do not answer "yes" i will NOT grant you permission, AS
> IS MY RIGHT UNDER COPYRIGHT LAW, to utilise the word "EOMA68" in ANY
> way, shape or form.
I do not have any intention on utilizing the word eoma68.
What exactly are you referring to? That I will put an eoma68
sticker on the computer?
That I may not publish a picture of the computer and a text
saying, this is a computer which accepts eoma68
pc cards?
Is that it? If so no problem. I will not. Explain what you are
asking for?
You should have anticipated someone would want to
do their own pc card housing. On your website you should
make a page displaying what you can and cannot do in
regards to a pc card housing. It should show what law
texts are into play. Show certifications.
> within 72 hours
We do not know if the pc card gets shipped. We do not
know if the asus eeepc housing will be made. Why not
make it 24 hours?
> Don't make enemies where you don't have to, Luke. I'm just sayin'.
Lkcl is not my enemy. He does not snide. You do not
doubt lkcl goes a long way to achieve his goal. You
know he will not skip his principles. On
communicating however.
> forced to simply unsubscribe you from this list
Why unsubscribe? Can't you disable my option to post?
It would be a less extensive action. The emails are
public in the archive anyway.
> do you wish me to terminate this project
Who here does not understand your
frustration? What does it have to do with
what I am doing?
Next time you are accusing me from nowhere
and misrepresenting what I have done
previously I will not answer this lengthy.
I will know you are doing it on purpose.
> arm-netbook mailing list arm-netbook(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk
> http://lists.phcomp.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/arm-netbook
> Send large attachments to arm-netbook(a)files.phcomp.co.uk
This question must be looked upon as an overall one. Not
a concrete one. It is more about if you know about
the economics of these small netbooks.
I do not know if this computer got on the market. It
cannot be done for 35usd without subsidies?
Let us say we have a series of pc cards. Having different
performances. Various prices. According to lkcl the
cheapest would be about 30usd.
On https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Cheap-Via-8880-7-inch-Android_604789…
there is a 7 inch netbook for sale. It appears to be
a common computer. Prices are about 50usd.
I would want to compare the computer to the one
laptop per child. What magnitude of order would you
have to place at the manufacturer, getting him to
redesign the cabinet of the https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Cheap-Via-8880-7-inch-Android_604789… netbook to
become a pc card housing? What would he
be able to sell the pc card housing netbook
-------- Original Message --------
From: Pičugins Arsenijs<crimier(a)yandex.ru>
Apparently from: arm-netbook-bounces(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk
To: Eco-Conscious Computing <arm-netbook(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [Arm-netbook] asus eeepc 7inch, modifying it to accept a pc card
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2018 23:40:08 +0200
> It seems to have a wide tip, so I'm wondering if it's suitable for soldering things like a 0.8-pitch connector...
It has a swappable solder iron head. The solder iron
head I have looks like a screwdriver. It is about
3mm wide. I have bought another solder iron
head. Shaped like a pencil.
> The pocketchip's keyboard, just like the EEE PC keyboard, is not I2C by itself
I understand now. A controller is required. For i2c or usb.
> I have an LCD panel that may work for
> you
I think the plan is to use the display the computer came
with. I would want to know which display model it is
I have. I have refrained from dismantling the
display part because it was already difficult to
remove the mainboard. The cabinet got some nicks.
> checked Taobao and a PCMCIA socket there
Can you write a link?
> I find the idea to turn an asus eeepc 7inch notebook into an EOMA68
> housing very interesting
Yes, that should have been the email's subject but we are not starting
a new post because of that.
> arm-netbook mailing list arm-netbook(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk
> http://lists.phcomp.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/arm-netbook
> Send large attachments to arm-netbook(a)files.phcomp.co.uk
-------- Original Message --------
From: Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl(a)lkcl.net>
Apparently from: arm-netbook-bounces(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk
To: Eco-Conscious Computing <arm-netbook(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [Arm-netbook] pyra computer
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2018 09:21:27 +0000
> On Tuesday, February 6, 2018, Jean Flamelle <eaterjolly(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 2/5/18, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl(a)lkcl.net> wrote:
> > > On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 5:28 PM, <ronwirring(a)safe-mail.net> wrote:
> he means to ask Luke OR ANY MEMBER
Yes. In case lkcl not answering and there are posts on the pyra
computer in the arm-netbook Archives, someone else could
tell me.
> Just my two cents, but this has gotten WAY off topic... amusing as that
> is for me, its not the purpose of this mailing list... and I don't think
> it is very helpful.
I wrote 'Can lkcl' not 'arm-netbooks'. That was enough to ignite a
request from lkcl to change the phrasing of future posts from me.
I could have accepted the request. I did not because I
considered my phrasing short, effective and direct. I do not
see, why lkcl should limit my free speech on such a minor thing.
I should not have gotten the request in the first place.
Lkcl, is my phrasing that annoying or offensive or confusing
to you that you believe it is fine to ask me to limit my free
speech? Make your argument.
On this email list there is at least one person who dances with
profanities. I do not know if there is a rule about that. There
should be. I have not corrected that person for such
phrasings. For two reasons. It happens rather seldom.
And considering how it would limit the persons free
speech I refrained.
> reminder ron: i set the rules here, you do not. that is my role as lead,
That is correct. How you set your rules and govern them shows
people how fit you are on this task.
> and you are free to ignore those rules if you are also happy to accept the
> consequence that i am free to put you into moderation mode (again).
I react to arguments not the fact that I can get excluded.
> > arm-netbook mailing list arm-netbook(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk
> > http://lists.phcomp.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/arm-netbook
> > Send large attachments to arm-netbook(a)files.phcomp.co.uk
> --
> ---
> crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
> _______________________________________________
> arm-netbook mailing list arm-netbook(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk
> http://lists.phcomp.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/arm-netbook
> Send large attachments to arm-netbook(a)files.phcomp.co.uk
-------- Original Message --------
From: Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl(a)lkcl.net>
Apparently from: arm-netbook-bounces(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk
To: Eco-Conscious Computing <arm-netbook(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [Arm-netbook] pyra computer
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 23:09:31 +0000
> On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 9:38 PM, <ronwirring(a)safe-mail.net> wrote:
> they didn't like the modular concept :) they also really didn't like
> the standard.
> plus, the form-factor is a bit small to fit a 5x54x90 card and
> associated socket.
About the pyra's computer devices, do we know how well suited
they are to get connected to an eoma pc card?
My thought was to have a modified part of the pyra's cabinet
to enable inserting an eoma pc card.
> >> ron can i ask you the favour of not referring to me in the 3rd
> >> person? i'm right here!!!
If I write: Lkcl, can you ...
Then I want you to answer.
If I write: Can lkcl ...
Then all on the email list may answer.
> arm-netbook mailing list arm-netbook(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk
> http://lists.phcomp.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/arm-netbook
> Send large attachments to arm-netbook(a)files.phcomp.co.uk
-------- Original Message --------
From: Pičugins Arsenijs<crimier(a)yandex.ru>
Apparently from: arm-netbook-bounces(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk
To: "arm-netbook(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk" <arm-netbook(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [Arm-netbook] RK3399
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2018 13:38:40 +0200
For your information, I am in a censorship dispute with lkcl. I do
not know what he will come up with. Maybe some or all of my
posts will be stopped.
> Yep, thankfully, the laptop will likely take a while anyway. What I'd personally be interested in is making it all work before the start of next EOMA crowdfunding, or maybe during it (so that the crowdfunding gets some more publicity and is taken even more seriously).
When the pc card is being shipped there will be no cabinet
or a 15inch notebook available in terms of cabinets with
a display.
I agree the more different cabinet sizes present, even if
modified computer cabinets, the better. I do not
follow lkcl's opposition on this.
> I'm mostly interested in desktop sharing from my side, so that I can show how to draw a simple board. No other requirements from your side, webcam definitely not needed (though having a voice channel would be great). If you're interested, I can stream my desktop to something like Twitch, so that you can view it (and whoever else wants to).
> Great! Once we'll have first boards (say, keyboard matrix), we might require some more tools - but nothing expensive or complicated. Do you have a photo of your soldering iron somewhere (maybe a similar photo on the internet) - just to make sure it's the right one for the job?
It is a weller sp 40l 40w.
In case I did not mention it before. I have a raspberry pi 0 and
a beaglebone black revision c if that could be useful.
> I've measured connectors on my boards, and it looks like the right one. Worst case - I can desolder a connector from my boards and mail it to you. Notes: from these 28 pins, one is GND (for some reason) and one is NC (not connected), and two pairs of pins are in parallel. So, we'll need a microcontroller with 24 free GPIOs, or a cheap I2C IO expander added. Seeing how the keyboard is a 16x8 matrix, a GPIO expander could fit very well (alternatively, we could copy whatever solution is used in some kind of popular DIY keyboards, provided we can find one that suits the row/column count).
I will get the ribbonconnector. I still have the asus eeepc's mainboard.
The pocketchip's keyboard is an i2c keyboard. Is the asus
eeepc's keyboard also an i2c keyboard?
Lkcl has said, the pc card supports i2c. Instead of
modifying the asus eeepc's keyboard into an usb
keyboard, what about i2c connecting the keyboard to
the pc card? To my knowledge you can use the
beaglebone black revision c to test i2c devices.
I found a video on youtube on the matter.
I have this forestalled remark. I would prefer not to cut
in the asus eeepc's cabinet. If I do it wrongly, I do not have
another cabinet.
Instead at the bottom of the asus eeepc there is a removable
plate. There is a balk which likely can be removed. I would
prefer to insert the pc card by that plate.
I have not been able to find something like the pcmcia/eoma
68 breakout board. Should we not find a shop to buy
I will start a new post named 'asus eeepc 7inch, modifying
it to accept a pc card' for further postings.
> bottom line: please do NOT design this circuit without public
> consultation and without my FINAL approval.
Thank you for your warning. And participation.
> arm-netbook mailing list arm-netbook(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk
> http://lists.phcomp.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/arm-netbook
> Send large attachments to arm-netbook(a)files.phcomp.co.uk