I told someone about EOMA68. When they Google searched for “modular
laptop“ in German, they got this:
I don’t know what you think of that or if they would care about
EOMA. To me the Web site looks more like they are interested in vendor
lock-in, but who knows.
Hey, Luke, is this article at all useful to you?
It looks like something you could fairly easily implement in such a way as
to potentially speed up laptop part printing... the way I envision it, you
have one printer for each part, and it just spits out one after another
into, eg, an empty Tide or Fresh Step box.
...or maybe I'm daydreaming. You tell me :)
Some time ago Luke et al was discussing using an FPGA to decode video but
thought it too expensive.
Well, not that this changes anything, but I found this little beauty wile
looking at something else:
to pick up this discussion again, Parabola has concluded that we will
for the time being need only one preview card, and I will privately pay
for it in full.
following are the contact information for the hacker in question:
Andreas Grapentin (me) <andreas(a)grapentin.org>
Potsdam, Germany
I can provide a complete address through a more private channel :)
my GPG Public Key: https://files.grapentin.org/.gpg/public.key
On 06/23/2017 11:29 AM, Bill Kontos wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 4:27 PM, David Niklas <doark(a)mail.com> wrote:
>> Now can we get back to how to do the reverse engineering itself?
> Someone should suggest Luc to open a monthly patreon-styled donation
> page for working on lima.
If ARM is still as openly hostile as they appear to be towards reverse
engineering of their GPU designs, I don't think that pursuing lima
development is a very good option. I suspect that if development of the
driver resumes, they will probably continue their horrible crusade against
Luc and I don't want to see that happen to anybody.
I think that if we are really trying to play the long game here, then that
money would be better spent working towards the development of an
open GPU design that we can can use in future risc-v SOCs. Perhaps
another option that might be more amenable and rewarding for Luc.
Would be to open a monthly patron-styled donation page not to develop
lima drivers, but instead to work together with people like Jeff Bush
(the main guy developming the Nyuzi GPGPU:
https://github.com/jbush001/NyuziProcessor ). To me (and I haven't
read into it much) it seems like, the focus thus far for the Nyuzi project
is only on developing the GPGPU and not so much looking at it from
the point of view of, how would we write a Linux driver for this device.
I think if we focused some money on Luc (driver developer) and the
Nyuzi (hardware developer) developers, then they might be more inspired
to focus their efforts on producing a quality GPGPU and supporting drivers.
Honestly, I think that working together with people who are openly
developing a GPU design and who would probably be quite welcoming
of assistance from Luc would be a much better situation for him than if
he went back to trying to working on the lima driver. Perhaps a company
like si-five ( https://www.sifive.com/ ) or the risc-v organization might
even consider trying to sponsor a collaboration like this as having a good
open GPU implementation would certainly be a boon to them in the future.
Anyhow, that is my two cents.
On Mon, 22 May 2017 12:05:28 +0200
"mike.valk(a)gmail.com" <mike.valk(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> 2017-05-22 0:06 GMT+02:00 <ronwirring(a)safe-mail.net>:
> > Because I deleted a previously email about this subject, I start a new
> > email.
> > Info. Lkcl said, he is not in favor of reverse engineering a mali gpu.
> > Because it is about 150000eu and new gpus will emerge during the
> > reverse engineering and the outcome is uncertain.
> >
> > I agree on his arguments.
> I assume you do not agree.
> > 150000eu is a crowd funding of 30000 people, each 5eu. I would pay an
> > extra 5eu to be able to buy a source code computer.
> >
> The issue with revese engineering the MALI gpu's is not justs about
> money. ARM ltd. actively Seeks and destroys attempts on a OSS mail
> driver.
> So that money needed is not only going to coding but is probably also
> needed for legel fees and marketing against the smear and laster
> campaign.
> They have already made one person's life very difficult:
> http://libv.livejournal.com/
I'd do it in a heart beat in spite of the evil people out there if I had
the skills.
Incidentally, couldn't you do this in an mostly automated fashion?
I mean:
1. Have computer program send bits to GPU
2. Have same program read bits from EDP (or whatever), to determine
result and time spend on task.
4. Have another program create a spread sheet for the in-out-time info
and stats.
3. Have developer look at these and code.
> > I do not know if 30000 people are interested or if they can agree on
> > one board.
> >
> But freeing MALI would help a lot of devices out there. So I'd trough in
> some bucks. RE'ing MALI would not be for just one board.
Agreed. It must be for all boards and support opengl, opencl, vulkan.
> > You cannot get the mali source code faster, if you put more people on
> > it?
> Finding the right minds and right amount of them working on the same
> thing is a hard equation.
> You could add me to that team but my skills would be of limited use.
> Adding someone of the same skill set would probably be even less
> effective.
> So more money or more people is not the solutions. The right people and
> the right amount is needed.
Well, I'd put ten dollars to a campaign like this without a HW reward.
I'm assuming that beings that there are so many Mali GPUs and hacker
boards out there that other people would also be very interested in this.
What would I need to know to do this?
Quick, point me to the books!
No, really, I would do such a thing, I don't have a lot to loose, though
for free I'd be taking my time...
But still, I'd need an education.
i received the latest pre-production cards yesterday and have tested
one of them: it works.
however (and this is the whole point of doing pre-production
prototypes) in endeavouring to use automated assembly and solder paste
it was discovered that the VIAs underneath the pads for the JAE DC3
Micro-HDMI connector are sucking the solder paste in and down, leaving
the pins not properly connected.
the factory's engineer hand-soldered the 10 samples, but we cannot
possibly do 1,000 PCBs by hand.... so it is necessary to do some test
PCBs to work out how to get these connectors, with utterly tiny pins
(0.25mm wide) to stick, given that the tracks simply have to come up
from underneath using VIAs.
VIAs coming up on a pad is generally bad because it's a hole down
which the solder paste simply... sucks down.
if anyone knows any tricks i would appreciate hearing them. i was
thinking of creating the pad with a triangular end, placing the VIA
right at the end so that the solder paste can't "wick away". anyone
got any other ideas?
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
(I sent this message before, but I suspect it didn't get delivered
because I wasn't subscribed to the mailing list, so here I go again.)
Hello everyone,
I represent the hackers in charge of maintaining the parabola ARM port.
As you know, the 'libre tea' computer card will be shipped with parabola
preinstalled, and we are currently working hard on getting our ARM port in
shape. Unfortunately, at the moment we have two problems:
a) lack of compute resources - we need some actual ARM boards of the
right architecture to build - and especially test - packages
b) lack of information - we don't know enough about the particularities
of the EOMA68 cards to be able to tell how well our port works on them
Hence my question: would be possible for us to get early access to a
couple of the EOMA68 devices in advance, so that we can make sure that
our ARM port is up and running when the cards are to be shipped?
We are very excited about this project (many of us have actually
pre-ordered cards), and we want to be able to deliver the best possible
version of our GNU/Linux distribution that we can produce.
my GPG Public Key: https://files.grapentin.org/.gpg/public.key
> SoC, the RK3388 (yes it really does exist). also i'm waiting for some
Was it not rk3399?
> arm-netbook mailing list arm-netbook(a)lists.phcomp.co.uk
> http://lists.phcomp.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/arm-netbook
> Send large attachments to arm-netbook(a)files.phcomp.co.uk
Hello world. I realised when I received the auto-reply that I had been naughty. I sent the message again without all the extras, but too late. Sorry! Greg Flint