what repositories will be used for the Parabola GNU/Linux-libre operating
system on the EOMA68?
If you have no time for answering my question, please let me know.
Wolfgang Romey
Krokusstraße 37
47249 Duisburg
geraspora: https://pod.geraspora.de/people/9002a1416a4e4a9d
loadaverage: https://loadaverage.org/hier
tox: wolfgang_romey(a)toxme.se
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Hallo Luke,
surely you know the ARM Cortex-A15. I would like the drawbacks of the PYRA.
Can you please, if you have the time, tell me something about it. Especially
the GPU, are there any gpl violations of the producers of the Cortex A15 and
why you did not choose it for the eoma68. I do not find it in your comparison
of the processors.
Many thanks!
Wolfgang Romey
Krokusstraße 37
47249 Duisburg
geraspora: https://pod.geraspora.de/people/9002a1416a4e4a9d
loadaverage: https://loadaverage.org/hier
tox: wolfgang_romey(a)toxme.se
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Hello Luke,
is the pass-through card usable with the Micro Desktop Housing too? If yes, I
think it makes sense to mention it clearly on the crowsupply page.
BTW: Are you still working on making freedombox run on the eoma68?
Wolfgang Romey
Krokusstraße 37
47249 Duisburg
geraspora: https://pod.geraspora.de/people/9002a1416a4e4a9d
loadaverage: https://loadaverage.org/hier
tox: wolfgang_romey(a)toxme.se
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yay! the slashdot article seems to have gone (still going) well -
waaa took up my entire day responding to people, but it's resulted in
a big jump from $52.5 to $55.2 and still going.
now... the next person to poke a stick at would be michael larabel, he
was so funny saying "awww darn it, you guys keep bugging me about that
damn eoma68 thing, ahh i suppooose i'd better write an article
theeeen"... if anyone feels so inclined, feel free to poke him with a
stick again, point out that the discussion on his forum was huge (20
pages, 200 comments) and that i refer people to it all the time as the
technical discussions on there are really valuable, so it gets _him_
some exposure for his site....
crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
Hello Luke,
i watched the talk and found it very interesting and helpfull!
Wolfgang Romey
Krokusstraße 37
47249 Duisburg
geraspora: https://pod.geraspora.de/people/9002a1416a4e4a9d
loadaverage: https://loadaverage.org/hier
tox: wolfgang_romey(a)toxme.se
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Hello Luke
I have questions:
Whrere is the OS which is delivered with thwe eoma68 stored? Surely one can
update it and install additional software?
Can I boot different OSs?
Which Kernel will be delivered? I see, that you are trying the 4.7 kernel?
Will it be possible to activate the 3D acceleration on the debian card?
Thanks in advance.
Wolfgang Romey
Krokusstraße 37
47249 Duisburg
geraspora: https://pod.geraspora.de/people/9002a1416a4e4a9d
loadaverage: https://loadaverage.org/hier
tox: wolfgang_romey(a)toxme.se
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I have to break these things down so I can get them into my neanderthal head, so my apologies if this is obvious to everyone already. Is this a reasonable summary of the storage options for EOMA68?
I looked at some old photos and the EOMA-68 page, and I reckon these are the data storage options. By data storage I mean memory, disk space, or - to talk oldskool - any input/output device.
EOMA68 data storage options
1. micro-SD card
2. USB flash drive (AKA USB stick, pen drive, external NAND)
3. internal NAND
4. mechanical hard disk
5. Solid State Disk
file transfer speeds
1 is the slowest, 5 is the fastest.
If you want to run something that thrashes the storage, like an e-mail server, stick the files on a disk.
data storage capacity
1 is the smallest, and 5 the biggest.
Using a micro-SD card is roughly the same as using as a small cloud server - enough space to store the OS, a bunch of applications, and have some left over.
If you want to run something that chomps through storage, like a database server, stick the files on a disk.
sockets for attaching another mass storage device
There's a micro-USB socket on one side of the board, and another USB interface via the PCMCIA socket (or whatever you call the big pin connector housing).
If you want to connect your Edison Cylinder Phonograph to your EOMA68 card, USB it up first.
beside the USB socket
via the PCMCIA socket
I just realized I’ve been dropping the hyphen from EOMA-68. Oops.
old photos
EOMA-68 page